Sunday, September 30, 2007
I think I wasted my Saturday.
Well, at least I wasted my afternoon. But it was okay, in an exchange for some fun :D wahahahaha. I swear SCPS people brighten up my day! :D It was nice catching up with my brother Rohan Puthran and my father/hubby (INCEST!) Charlie Withayachumnankun (OMG DID I GET THAT RIGHT. HAHAHAHAHA.)! It'll be even more fun after eoys (: We're planning to have a gathering at Charlie's place (: wahahahhaa. Well, at least his condo's swimming pool doesnt EXACTLY have a guard so we can jump in and not get nagged or scolded by :D So fun. We can dunk people in (again). HEHHEHEHEHEHE!
Anyway, Sunday will be super mugging day. But somehow it still doesn't feel like eoys has started already. I think there's something wrong with me. Seriouslyyyyyy D: My body clock's screwed or something. Once Monday starts, the week will fly by in a weeeeeeeeeze. Or whatever that word is. Can't be a breeeeeze because exams/tests are never a breeze. Sigh. Well I hope, at the least, that I don't fail anything ): If not I'm dead. Maybe next year I'll try to cultivate this habit whereby I'll come home everyday and study (in a million years). Highly impossible but HEYYYY you never know. Cheryl might just transform (: wahahahahaha. Just kidding. I won't :/ Okay fine maybe I will try to MAKE myself study for at least one night every week to revise the stuff taught at school! But all say no talk's just as good as nothing soooooo ignore whatever I just said (:
Ladeedum. I know I've been going mad about this for the past dontknowhowmany weeks but I still have to say it again! I just can't resist the urge to (:
And I seriously hope Season 3 wil start airing in Singapore. Although I'd rather prefer it if they started airing after november 14. Damn, what am I talking about. Heh. I'm going crazy. Must be the books! They do weird things to people. But yeah, AFTER november 14 :D :D :D I HOPEEEEE. I don't wanna miss any episode because I don't think I'll be able to wait for half a year for the DVD to come out ): I wonder how Michael's going to break out this time... heh heh heh. Oh but if T-bag breaks out with him again, I swear I'm going to slaughter that bloody pervertic shitbag. Oops violent (: heh. Cher said she'll watch prisonbreak with me! But she said she'll need a pillow. HAHAHAHAHA. And we were saying that she'll make history if she has a heart attack. And that she'll be able to have a chance to be in the guiness book of records! SOOOO COOOOOOL :D :D
Prisonbreak does wonderful stuff to people, NOT LIKE BOOKS.
Just have faith.
2:21 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Somehow I feel extremely relieved after taking IH. I can finally stop worrying about one paper! The past few weeks I've been frantically juggling between memorising Bio and IH, switching subjects every now and then because I get bored of one subject very easily. Yes, I'm very restless. Now I can channel all my energy to Bio! But then again, not really. I think I better start on Geog before it's too late. Although we have the weekend PLUS Monday to study, I better not take things for granted. I don't wanna screw myself up again. So now I have to juggle between Bio and Geog. Better 2 than 3.
Well I think I screwed LA up pretty badly. I won't be surprised if I fail :/ I don't think my essay made sense. Hahahaha. And well, Conflict came out as Source-based. I was soooo shocked. How could they ): But thank goodness I studied Welfare too. But I studied mostly healthcare and... the question was just weird. Anyway, for both subjects, I didn't have enough time. -.- Seriously they should give us more time! I wrote until my last finger was really red and my index finger's knuckle hurt like shitcrap ): Sigh. Ohwell! I'm just glad it's overrrr (:
Okay, back to mugging.
I live a SAD life. ):
But it's okay, only ELEVEN11 more days to go!
Then it's FREEEEEDOM (:
4:09 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I am screwed.
And I finally finished completely breaking my pointe shoes (After sooooo long).
Shall go back to mugging.
I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to zoom past.
But before then, it's suffering and torture D:
9:31 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Since I'm not studying, and I'm waiting for myself to finish the chocolate bar before I go and sleeeeep,
I hate mugging.
Why can't we be just like those Bhutan people! Their GDP is GDH xD So cool. They measure how rich a person is by how happy they are. So yeah, you can guess that the H in GDH stands for Happiness! But they're one of the least developed countries in the whole world. 99% of their time is spent around their family. And guess what keeps them going. FOOD! :D hahahaha! The wonders of food. They just make food all day long.
Irene Tan was saying that they wear nice clothes and they have a place to stay and everything. Most importantly, they are happy! If only we could be like those Bhutan people ): I WANT! I don't want to study. Hahahaha. Then the women can make the guys do all the farming while we sit at home and shake our legs and watch wentworth miller and prisonbreak :D
Ladeedum. Sounds like a total fantasy, no?
Anyway, I finished eating my chocolate bar! So I'm going to sleep now.
I aim to finish doing Revision Exercise 4, Similar and Congruent Triangles, and Revision Exercise 5, Circle Properties, by tonight. And ask my tuition teacher how to do those questions I don't know how to do tomorrow during tweeeetion.
Let's just hope I'm able to complete them (:
And I need to go get my Geog and IH textbook! D:
5:27 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Yes, I know my blog's dead like nobody's shit business.
But I haven't been in the mood to blog anyway!
Safari's weird. Sometimes it doesn't load everything on the page. For instance, this post I'm typing right now. I can't change the font size because the panel above is not full loaded ._. Well, there are only two tabs and there are supposed to be at least 4 times more than that. Lalala. Inclusive of the font size tab. And knowing that I'm an ultimate html noob, I don't know how to use html to change font sizes! Or rather, I forgot. But it doesn't matter because I'm not intending to change it now xD I'm talking nonsense.
I have officially become a mugger (:
But even so, I'm still not confident of being able to finish studying all the topics tested for all the subjects I'm currently taking. Which also means that I'm extremely screwed. And knowing myself, I work better under stress so I constantly remind myself of the date and how near EOYs are. EIGHT DAYS! :O I can't believe it. Good luck to myself (:
Oh and I HAVE to blog about this :D
His eyes are gorgeousssssss (:
I can't wait for PRISONBREAK SEASON 3 to premier in Asia. It already started airing on September 17 in the US! ): ): ): So you can imagine how shattered (yes, bianca) and cheated I felt when I realised that they weren't airing it here on Monday ): ): ): ): Sigh. But I guess it's a good thing. Less distractions! Although I have my maid constantly tempting me to watch Season2 with her because I made her crazy over it too :D :D :D HEH HEH HEH. But I shall practice self-discipline and self-constraint! And be a good girl and mug (: As if I'm not already mugging.
I hope I don't fail EOYs.
And I'm looking forward to October 9! :D
The special day (:
I can't wait to go to Japan either! I reallyreallyreally want to see Keita! ): But I doubt I'll meet him. Sigh. Hopefully he goes to Hokkaido for a holiday as well! WAHAHAHAHAHHA. If I do meet him, I swear I'll ask for a hug :D Okay lah I know its damn thick-skinned but HEY, how many times do you get to meet you idol huh! Especially when I live in Singapore. People like Keita, Wentworth Miller or Daniel Radcliffe will never ever come here ): It gets me (and allyssa) all depressed. D:
Okay lah I'm supposed to be mugging MATH.
I'm like practically doing math every night.
Back to work ):
1:10 AM